01379 677345office@aslacton.norfolk.sch.uk

You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.

You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.



At Aslacton Primary School, we pride ourselves on ensuring parents have all the information they need during their child’s time at the school. We keep in contact by newsletter with all parents and post updates to our school Facebook page.


Detailed information regarding school guidelines, policies and procedures is available on this website.

We have an open door policy whereby parents can arrange to meet with staff or pass on messages at the classroom door.

“Parents who responded to the Ofsted survey... all said that they would recommend the school. Many parents commented that the ‘family feel’ makes the school, ‘a safe and happy place for children to learn and grow’... They enjoy events such as coming into school each week to share their child’s learning.
Ofsted January 2020


Aslacton Primary School

“Pupils, parents and carers, and staff are proud of their welcoming school. Leaders have established a calm and friendly atmosphere, where pupils work and play well together.” Ofsted January 2020

Our schools

The Clarion Corvus Trust is a multi-academy and primary school Trust in the East of England. We aspire to excellence in all aspects of our practice. Mutual support, collaboration and challenge are key to our success. Raising standards for teaching and learning is at the core of all we do; providing students, pupils and staff with the opportunity to thrive, flourish and excel. This is a common vision for all our academies, no matter what their setting, context or circumstances.

Our schools

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